What is Digital Coaching?

Since the world turned on its head in 2020, we've all been forced to interact digitally. But what exactly is digital coaching?
The digital space has provided alternative solutions to every aspect of our lives from birthday parties to maths classes. At Know You More, we specialised Digital Coaching long before 'Zoom' and 'Teams' became embedded in our vocabulary as verbs. Digital coaching is a powerful learning experience and we'll talk you through the benefits of remote coaching.
How Does Know You More Coaching Work?
Exactly the same way all your other online interactions work. Either alone or with your team, you’ll take part in a development experience facilitated by a qualified coach.
Why virtual?
Initially, we sought to remove the difficulties of geography from our service. Digital provision of our services meant that we could link the right coach with the right coachee, regardless of either of their locations. Then, everyone started doing it!
Human Connection
We have always championed the face to face, albeit through a screen. E-learning is wonderful but working alone on a programme in a vacuum doesn't include those valuable development discussions that help us to reach and examine parts of problem we may not consider without the benefit of a two way discussion.
"Virtual coaching allows businesses to deliver human learning and development at a fraction of the resources and financial investment as face to face offerings."
Behaviourally, technology has also shaped the lives we now have to lead. Pre-covid, we wanted things easy and convenient. Faster, cheaper and simple. We still want those things, but now we know we're in the digital space for the long haul, we need quality too. At the beginning of this process, businesses muddled through, they knew it wasn't forever and development and learning that would once have happened in person, was put off 'until everything gets back to normal'.
Normal is different now and digital coaching offers the kind of flexibility that classroom learning on a certain day, at a certain time, in a faceless conference room simply can't. We have always known this, it’s just the rest of the world who are finally catching on!
Trust and rapport are the fundamentals of an effective coaching relationship. When these exist, the outcome is overwhelmingly positive. Having access to a large community of coaches, and eliminating geography through technology, allows us to pinpoint the right matches for your people. Whether it be background, skill set, learning style, temperament or even a preference for hobbies, virtual allows us to create the coaching experience that will have the biggest impact.
Powerful Conversations
The word “coaching” literally means to transport someone from one place to another.
One thing that all forms of coaching have in common is that they focus on moving forward. A skilled coach uses a combination of observation, questioning, listening and feedback to create a conversation rich in insight. Enabling a coachee to develop a greater clarity and appreciation of their own circumstances. Greater self-knowledge and understanding creates new ways to approach challenges and achieve goals.
We know from our experience that clarity is key. Our onboarding clearly defines the process and the benefits. We undertake a discovery session with coachees and send them a series of coach profiles. The coachee is in total control. If coach and coachee are a good fit after an initial session, goals are set and your coaching journey starts.
How long does a coaching experience last?
In our experience, we have found that most programmes last between 4 and 6sessions. The duration of each session is normally an hour and regularity isdependant on the purpose of the coaching and preference of the coachee. Between fortnightly and monthly is our average.
How will I know it makes a difference?
As coaching conversations are happening and the programme is progressing, there is another process that is also in motion. Measurement and evaluation. We’ll link your objectives with progress and continuous evaluation that results in a 360-degree final report.