Know You More and the University of Edinburgh

Know You More has partnered with the University of Edinburgh’s Learning and Organisation Development team to provide digital coaching to leaders across the University.
Embracing the challenge and rising beyond the level of change that 2020 has brought us so far, is something all organisations will have to do in order to survive and thrive as that change progresses.
Bringing lasting change to large and complex entities is never easy but having a world-leading reputation in student attainment, research, development and entrepreneurship certainly help. The University of Edinburgh has an enviable track record of inspiring countless start-ups, spin-offs and academics who have influenced the business and educational landscape across the world. Many of them still have bases in Edinburgh so they can be close to the excellent calibre of postgrads who join their ranks. Skyscanner, a leading global travel site has gone on record saying they chose Edinburgh as their headquarters for that very reason.
Even before the routine-shattering alterations to our home and work lives that Covid brought, the University was working on an ambitious ten-year strategy that would see them strive to celebrate and strengthen their distinctive internationalism, attracting the world’s best minds and building innovative global partnerships for research, teaching and impact.
Whilst the strategy, vision and values remain unchanged and people remain at the core, running an academic institution at a time of pandemic poses unprecedented challenges. The realisation and acknowledgement of this led to the partnership with Know You More.
Bea Young, University of Edinburgh’s HR Partner shared with us her hopes for the partnership:
‘During this period of adaptation, we want a space where participants can build their skills in creativity, innovation, flexibility and relationships in order to deliver the University’s strategic priorities. With the goal of making the University of Edinburgh an even greater place to work and study. We have always offered leadership coaching and the benefits it brings are widely acknowledged, but we have never been able to deliver it as a staff development option at scale to our leadership population – Know You More and their digital coaching expertise allows us to do this.’
The Know You More coaching community will be on hand to help leaders across the University of Edinburgh build the skills they need to help deliver the vision, purpose and values of Strategy 2030 and also to learn new ways to succeed in a working landscape that has changed dramatically since March 2020. Like so many industries, the higher education landscape is one that is likely to never return to a pre-Covid state. There are many challenges ahead. Adaptability and resilience will be vital tools. Tools that leaders will need to help them navigate a sector that will continue to change at a pace for quite some time to come.
Tim Mart, Know You More CEO said,
“We have all experienced rapid digital transformation over the past few months. For organisations, much of this has been enforced, but it has also provided the opportunity to prioritise and accelerate digital initiatives that were previously further down the line to ensure their people have the right support at this time. We are delighted that the University of Edinburgh have embraced the Know You More digital coaching platform to allow them to scale a high-quality coaching offering to as many staff as possible. We are confident our platform will be invaluable in helping leaders to navigate the significant change that the Higher Education sector faces”
If would like to support more of your people with professional digital coaching, you can contact us.