What is a coaching contract?

The word ‘contract’ tends conjure up images of tick boxes at the end of a list of online terms and conditions that no one ever reads.
In reality, a coaching contract is simply a document that defines the relationship between coach and coachee.
Every Know You More coaching relationship begins with a chemistry session, an informal conversation where you and your coach will get to know one another. Goals are discussed and if there’s a connection, the notes and key points you agree will form the basis of your contract.
In that conversation you’ll touch on five main themes:
- What is it you want to achieve during your coaching.
- Where you want to be by the end of the programme.
- When you’ll meet.
- How many sessions, how they’ll be delivered, how often and for how long.
- Who is responsible for what.
The discussion will also deal with practicalities like notice for cancellation of a session and confidentiality. But will also go deeper, taking in boundaries and topics you would rather not discuss. It’s important to be clear that coaching is not counselling or mentoring, and your coach will go over that with you and answer any questions you might have.
You’ll both sign, and while the practical side of things are set, the goals and objectives can shift as you dive deeper in to the programme.
It’s important to have a contract in place early in the process so everyone involved agrees on the final goal, and has had input into how to get there.
Once you have that, the exciting work begins!