Creating Opportunity with Level Up

From the beginning, Know You More has been about creating opportunities for everyone we encounter. We talk a lot about the value of culture change and why that’s important for everyone’s growth. Our digital coaching programmes have helped all kinds of organisations across all sectors. But we understand the value of instilling the value of coaching in everyone, giving everyone the skills not just to survive, but continually thrive. In work and life.
Level Up is a personal leadership programme, created by Know You More. Completely free, the accessible programme has been designed to give young adults from all backgrounds aged between 18 and 25 an opportunity to help them better understand themselves, and teach them skills that will help them to confidently navigate early adulthood.
Level Up covers personal, work and education goals. It encourages young people to lead happy and healthy lives and to inspire them to make valuable contributions to their communities.
A Bright Future
We believe that everyone, regardless of circumstances or background, has the right to access opportunities that empower them. Since our inception, Know You More has always woven in social responsibility to what we do. Over the years, we’ve been able to support over 500 young adults in navigating their way through this increasingly complex and sometimes frightening world. Our relationships with fantastic clients in the public and private sectors gives us freedom to work with young adults from a diverse range of backgrounds. Providing development opportunities that empower and encourage self-leadership.
Far-reaching Benefits
Through the power of a coaching experience young adults are not only able to navigate early adulthood, but are also able to enact fundamental change. They become equipped with the skills and behaviours that help them address issues that affect them directly; like social mobility, gender equality, climate change, diversity and inclusion. Slowly but surely creating institutional change that benefits everyone and transforms society from the inside.
We don’t take this programme lightly. We see the huge benefits it can bring.
These are big ideas, developing individuals who will make our workplaces, our communities and our world better places to be.
Download the PDF to learn more about ‘Level Up’ and get in touch if you would welcome a conversation on how it could support your organisation.