Know You More partnering with Developing the Young Workforce to deliver their Digital Skills Academy

Know You More is excited to be offering digital coaching support to Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) across Scotland, through their programmes for 18 to 25-years olds ‘Level Up’. DYW is the Scottish Government’s Youth Employment strategy to better prepare young people for the world of work in response to Covid-19. As part of its strategy and for young people to get “industry ready” they have introduced a 5-week Skills Academy which has been running since the 13th July 2020.
This skills academy has been split into different sessions each week which will give each young person the insight; skills and knowledge they need to build their industry readiness. These are self-paced sessions delivered by industry experts, alongside bite sized e-learning. Different activities each week and our coaching support has been running in synergy with this exciting programme.

Level Up is Know You More’s personal leadership programme, offering free 1:1 coaching to young people, in order to support any decision that they need to make around their education; career; building relationships or embarking on their first jobs.

This exciting initiative aligns perfectly with our Know You More social purpose of supporting young adults from all backgrounds, in order to have the skills; confidence and belief to make their impact in the World.
We were really excited when we were asked to support this Digital Skills Academy initiative. This is an especially important transition for our young people and one that has been made more difficult to navigate given the impact of Covid-19 on the employment market.
We look forward to keeping you posted on the progress of this initiative but in the meantime, should you wish to know more about our Level Up programme, please see the below link:
If would like to support more of your people with professional digital coaching, you can contact us.